Paris Center Call for Proposals: Summer Courses

Summer Courses - Rice Global Paris Center Request for Proposals

Vice President for Global invites Rice University faculty to submit proposals for courses at the Rice Global Paris Center in the summer of 2025. Courses can be new (pending the required approvals) or previously taught and should offer compelling reasons for taking place in Paris.

Rice Global Paris Center Support:

SThe Rice Global Paris center will provide all logistical and administrative support for hosting courses in Paris, preparing students for departure, and providing standard accommodation while in Paris. Faculty teaching courses will receive a summer salary supplement and travel/housing stipend, and tuition will be collected by RGP and used to cover course costs.

Information about course dates:

We are accepting proposals for summer 2025. Proposals should be for 3-week-long short courses or intensives during the summer of 2025 - see proposal template for tentative session dates.


Submit your proposals to, and include:

  • Completed short PROPOSAL TEMPLATE
  • A letter of support from your department chair or dean.
  • A syllabus, if the course has been previously taught, or a draft syllabus or course outline if it’s a new course.
  • A completed DRAFT COURSE SCHEDULE TEMPLATEfor 3 weeks - list any excursions you would be interested in doing for your course, including museum visits, and if the excursion is outside of Paris, please provide details.

Helpful Information:

  • Instructor limit: Rice Global can support one Instructor per 3 credit hours and no more than two instructors total per course (for a course with 6 credit hours, for example). Rice Global cannot support any additional instructors, however departments or schools are welcome to fund additional instructors.
  • Your course must enroll a minimum of 12 students, and should be able to accommodate a maximum of 15 students.
  • When planning the course, remember to balance classroom time with relevant excursions, visits, field study, etc. Click here to review the registrar's office information about contact hours.
  • Courses that double as a distribution requirement are more appealing to student applicants. If your course is new - consider how it can be made into a distribution requirement. Or if this is an old course - can this be made into a distribution required course?
  • New courses can be run as a pilot course, but will be subject to usual department and school approvals. Click here for more information.


Proposal deadline - This round of proposals will be due by September 13, 2024. Proposals should be for short courses or intensives during the summer of 2025.

The faculty Global Education Advisory Committee will review submitted proposals and will make decisions in October 2024. Rice Global staff will work with faculty to create an application process for courses that will open in Fall of 2024.

Rice Global Paris staff is available to discuss any questions on items required for submission, including possible excursions, how to utilize the Paris setting, proposing new courses, and general course format and topic.

Please email for availability and for any other questions or assistance with your submission.