Paris Fall Semester
The Paris Fall Semester offers full Rice credit (no transfer needed), allowing students to take their studies abroad without disrupting their academic track while fully immersing themselves in the vibrant city of Paris. Open to all Rice undergraduate students who have not graduated by Fall 2025, this program is perfect for those interested in health professions or life sciences.
Request Information
Information Session
Program Details:
Application Deadline: Tuesday April 8th.
- Admissions: Admissions decisions will be communicated April 10th and 11th.*
- Program Dates: Fall 2025 Semester – Students will arrive a few days before the semester begins to participate in mandatory orientations and team-building activities.
- Program Location: Rice Global Paris Center | Paris, France
- Cost: Same cost as Fall semester Tuition & Room and Board costs at Rice Houston
- Financial Aid - If you receive/are eligible for financial aid in Houston, the same financial aid is applied to this program.
- What's Included with Cost: The program will provide housing, choose curriculum from seven 3-credit hour courses, local travel, course-set excursions/tickets, meal plan (a mix of self-catered - kitchen in room, and provided meals roughly equivalent to an on-campus meal plan), roundtrip flight, visa costs.
- Course Credit Details: This is Rice credit, you register the same way you register for any course - no transfer needed.
- Classes are taught in English by a Rice professor
- Who can apply: Open to all Rice Undergraduate Students who haven't graduated by Fall 2025.
- *Students who apply to this program should also proceed with their planned Fall 2025 course registration. If accepted, students can drop and re-register Paris courses.
Courses offered:
BIOS 301 - Biochemistry I
- Instructors: Natasha Kirienko & Dereth Phillips
- 3 credit course
BIOS 341 - Cell Biology (DIII Credit)
- Instructor: Janet Braam & Dereth Phillips
- 3 credit course
PSYC 101 - Introduction to Psychology (DII credit)
- Instructor: Mikki Hebl
- 3 credit course
PSYC 202 - Introduction to Social Psychology (DII credit)
- Instructor: Mikki Hebl
- 3 credit course
FREN 314 - Contemporary French Society (DI credit)
- Instructor: Julie Fette
- 3 credit course
FREN 307 - The Many Facets of French Cultural Identity (DI credit)
- Instructor: Julie Fette
- 3 credit course
Other courses still in development
If you are interested in a course with a pre-requisite you have not taken, please contact us and we will connect you with the appropriate instructor.
Extracurricular Programming:
- Guest lectures by PSL and Saclay faculty
- Field-based course or activity with a local professor (PSL collaboration)
- Tours of medical and research institutions, including:
- Necker Children's Hospital and The Imagine Research Institute on Genetic Diseases
- Brain Institute (existing research collaborations)
- Visits to medical museums in Paris:
- Museum of Psychiatry and Neuroscience (14th arrondissement)
- Pierre & Marie Curie Lab (5th arrondissement)
- Musée de l’Histoire de la Médecine (6th arrondissement)
- Musée des Moulages (10th arrondissement)
- Musée Fragonard (Maison Alfort)
- Additional programming still in development
Please note that the extracurricular activities listed are all still in development and subject to change.
More Information:
- APPLY NOW! You will be notified of program decisions the week of April 7.
- Check out our Student Life in Paris page to learn about where you will live and learn.
- Watch the Information Session Recording (please note this program was previously called Paris Pre-Med Program)
- Check out our presentation slides (please note this program was previously called Paris Pre-Med Program)