Rice Global - Paris Summer Program 2024
Take a look below at the courses offered for the Rice Global Paris Summer Program 2024.

Climate Change, Economics and the Wine Industry
Taught by Dr. Sylvia Dee and other collaborators, this highly interdisciplinary course will introduce concepts from climate change to microeconomics, using the wine industry as a case study.

The 9th Art: History & Methods of the French Graphic Novel
The art of bande dessinée, also known as The 9th Art, is deeply ingrained in the French cultural landscape. Join artist and professor, Christopher Sperandio, and immerse yourself in the history and methods of the French graphic novel.

Urban Sustainability
Drawing on work in anthropology, architectural history, and science and technology studies, this course will examine the historical and contemporary efforts to render Paris a sustainable city.

Making Modernity in the Streets of Paris: Art, Film, Architecture
Study, with Dr. Graham Bader and Dr. Lida Oukaderova, the central role of Paris - as a place, instigator, and site of contestation - in the development of modern art, film, and architecture since 1870.

Global Cultures: Global Paris
Explore with Eugenia Georges what anthropology can bring to the study of cities and urban life in general, taking the city of Paris as its focus.

Unlearning Paris Intensive
Join Dr. Fabiola López-Durán and Dr. Luis Duno-Gottberg for a two course, 3-week summer school intensive in Paris. “Un-learn” the traditional, and often reverential approach to the most iconic European metropolis: Paris.

Visual Culture of the French Revolution
What better way to learn about a subject than at the site where it happened? The turbulent period of the French Revolution (1789-1794) and the social and political upheaval it brought marked a radical shift in world history. This course focuses on the crucial and active role art visual culture played during the revolution.

Sports Management Paris Intensive
Paris is a world-class sports city that will be hosting one of the biggest sports events in 2024 - The Summer Olympics! Alongside Stephanie Wilka & Steven Rackley, students will take part in a sports management summer intensive in Paris to learn The Business of Professional Sports and Event & Venue Management.

iSEED in Amsterdam, Netherlands AND Paris
Go beyond the hedges this summer to take engineering design courses (BUSI 220 – Design Thinking & ENGI 200 – Engineering Design Studio) in Amsterdam, Netherlands AND Paris. Both courses count as elective courses for the Engineering Design Minor.